Monday 3 March 2014

Hmm, distractions...

Right. This should really be a follow up post to "The Big Day", but it isn't. It is more abut what I end up doing when I'm sitting at my computer with a working internet connection, after a long day of working hard at varsity. I guess I can say that yes the presentation seemed okay. I was nervous, my knees shook, but we made it all the way through, and we were given some very helpful feedback to add to our actual written business plan. So, now that bit is said, what happens when a nerd sits at a computer and procrastinates?

Actually, it doesn't matter if you're a nerd or not, the same patterns are followed. I didn't even mean to procrastinate, it just kind of happened. When I want something procrastinaty (I did just make up that word) to do, I am at a loss. But this evening, I sat down, and looked at what tabs were open on my browser and saw, (a) my feed reader, and (b) blogger.

Let's have a brief look at (a) first. Open feed reader, see ooh, there's a new xkcd, goody. Read xkcd. Then see, hmm Shtetl-Optimized has a new post. This is where it gets nerdy, I then remember that I need to find out if I can do my major project with the local complexity theory guy, so go off and find his email address, then remember that I am special and the only one registered for my honours program, so email someone about if I can just email the person I want, and ask them to supervise me. Now, having sent off an important email, I can return to the point where I was going to read the blog post. After reading about a page's worth of the post, I'm starting to skip stuff, this usually means I'm too tired to fully absorb the post, so I go back and mark it as unread, to read sometime that I can actually understand it. That is about it for (a).

Move on to (b). Look at blogger dashboard. Think, I should write a post. Look at dates given for posts written, think, hmm that's odd, it always gets the dates wrong, because of time zone things. Google knows where I live though (yes they are that stalkerish) and they know my time zone, so why does Friday's post show the date as 27/02/2014? Friday was the 28th. So this leads me off to try and set my time zone somewhere, or something like that, so that my posts display the right date, otherwise I might post a Friday the thirteenth thing on Thursday the twelfth, which doesn't sound nearly as spooky. Right, so trying to work out settings in Google, and suddenly I'm on my Google+ profile page. And the last time I posted to that was the day I got it, my 18th birthday. Hmm, all my information is outdated. Fix this, fix that. Add stuff in, maybe I should link to linkedIn? nah, don't bother to find the URL. I did link to an awesome maths blog, Maths Intersection Programming, where I have been learning about algebra.

After that I returned to blogger, linked to Google+, allowing anyone to find out who is writing this weird blog (not that I never tweet that I posted or anything) and my dates are still all wrong. I have no idea how to fix them. If I post in the morning, and it is still the previous day in the states, my dates come out strangled. What a pain.

Interesting thought on this post though, it is a lot more link heavy than anything else I've posted. It is probably also a very different type of post. Oh well. This stuff is such a mish-mash, that I could add in here about my woes with university admin and lecturers who have limited timetabling/scheduling skills, and it would fit. I won't though, I will spare both you and me that rant.

</end procrastination> (Not that I opened that tag anywhere...)

EDIT: So immediately after posting I found the settings to change my blogger time zone... figures.

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