Friday 5 April 2013


Being under pressure sucks. That said, maybe I should have a look at my life, and realise that there is so much that doesn't suck for me right now, in fact I am really blessed. Even though I am feeling the pressure, how many people can say that they are doing their final year of a degree in physics and computer science, and aiming to be top of the class in all courses, and acting as class representative for three out of four classes? I have been given oportunities, I need only to make the most of them. Yes it is hard when I have four reports to write before Wednesday, and for one of them the data is dodgy. But over all, I have been given a chance not everyone will get.

I have had the priviledge of being a leader on a youth camp. Doing something I love, and making sure that everything keeps happening, and that everyone has everything that they need. It was great, we had a chance to minister to kids from all sorts of backgrounds, and I also, as a bit of a bonus, got to catch up with some friends who I don't see nearly enough of. It did chew about five days during which I could have been doing varsity work, but it was a sacrifice well worth making, even if it is adding to my pressure now.

As I feel the pressure groing inside of me, and start feeling more.and more like I'm going to explode, I start to write more in my journal, which leads me into praying more. And that leads me to realise just how blessed I am to be able to take everything to God in prayer, and know that he will be able to sort it out, and that He will make everything turn out good in the end. Even if I skrew up, Jesus is able to fix my mistakes, and has a plan for me. Romans 8:28 says "and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

So as a conclusion to that, I suppose I can say, that even when it feels like the pressure is too much, I know that I am never alone, and that I have been blessed beyond what I would think to ask for if I was given the opportunity.

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