Tuesday 18 February 2014

Maths, maths, maths

Ooh, I haven't written a post for a while, I'm getting slack. Or maybe I'm getting swamped. Lectures started this week. Officially anyway. Because of this some things have been put on hold. Possibly they shouldn't be, and it will bight us in a week when deadlines loom, but the workload is looking freaky. My work load includes picking up enough pure maths to fill in the gaps, so that I can successfully do a course on category theory (something which is awesome, but I don't fully understand yet) and producing an epic visualisation, which at least I'm not working alone for, and producing a business plan, and attending other lectures. PHEW! That looks like quite a big ask.

On the surface it is big, but I think over the next week or so the boiling pot will settle down, and life will feel like it is structured reasonably again. The business plan presentation is in a week and a half (uh oh) but after that the course can e written off, and there is no need to worry about any of that stuff until the marks are released, and even then the only reason to worry would be if I failed something, which I refuse to do. It may happen that my honours marks are lower than my undergrad, but that is kind of expected, what with working harder, moving to a higher class university, and no longer being the top of the class, as I was for the last year and a half (without bragging).

The maths is scary though. Hence the title. I have had two lectures on Category Theory, and now I know I have to work really hard to catch up. It is definitely possible, and I will sit in on another fundamental course to catch up on certain concepts, but I think most of my catching up will come from doing a bunch of extra reading. So looking through textbooks, and previous lecture notes, and that amazing resource which holds all knowledge, Wikipedia. With these tools, I can grasp enough group theory, ring theory and field theory to follow the examples of category theory. I have already got a reasonable knowledge of set theory (I think), so I should be okay on that score.

With all these things to consider though, is it surprising that I haven't even thought about NVP for days? I have much more exciting things to think about, maths and more maths, and possibly, if I'm bored of maths, I can have a look at my VIS project. When both of those get too much for me, then it is time to start writing out a business plan. Hmm, this strikes me as compromising my work ethic. Maybe I should find my NVP group and remind them of the deadline. I doubt they have forgotten though, they seem to be working just as hard as me, on the courses they are taking.

Oh well, I feel that maths is awesome enough to completely overrule any business strategy or business plan. Just put "we get to do awesome maths" and hope people will pay you for it. That would work wouldn't it? isn't that what academics do?

Oh well, I shall grind my way through the next few days, and hope that maths does not fry my brain, that would be unfortunate. If I survive to the weekend, then I have a whole day (Saturday) to devote to catching up on work that has been neglected due to a glitch in the weighting of the tasks in the priority queue that makes up my mental task manager. And yes, if you're reading this you should know, I am a nerd.

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