Wednesday 5 February 2014

NVP Day 3

Day 3. It feels more like Week 3. Although I don't think we actually have that many lectures on this course. We have been moving fast and intensively. And I am re-writing because I managed to post this early, and then delete it, and now I have to type it all out again, because I didn't just use the revert to draft feature. So, where was I last time. I think I was saying something about how this wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be.

Yes, I have seen the point of doing this course, it is for the point where you are out in real life and something puts you in the path of a business venture. Without this course, you are completely lost, and don't even know enough to stay afloat. With this course you know the basics of treading water when you land in the deep end, and from there you can learn to swim by listening (Googling) to instructions from the sidelines. The concepts are useful.

I am still not convinced that I am entirely suited to the business sector, but the groups we are in were chosen intelligently (and not by us, this is likely linked) so I am in a group with a Business Science student, so my weakness is made up for in his strength. I bring other things to the group, like the fact that I take notes of things. Not to say the others wouldn't, but I do do it. That is part of the value that I bring to the group.

On to today's lessons. We spent a VERY long time on case studies. This is because we didn't just look at each case, but rather after each group reported back, we had a (short) lecture on some of the topics raised by the study. This is quite a nice method of lecturing, but I need to get better at taking notes with it. I feel a bit silly taking notes when the lecturer is using a very casual style, but I need to take notes if I want to assimilate the information properly. This may simply be something to be aware of with regards to this course. I must make note of the fact that I am used to lecturers being fairly formal, and so when one breaks that mould so much it can be a bit unnerving.

Of course I am now having a discussion about this over email with my lecturer who is reading yesterday's post, so there you have it. Brains are weird. Or possibly it's people who are weird.

Now, back to the topic. Business. I think today's spider diagram deserves a spot in this post, it was pretty cool. And it has some very important headings that we discussed in the class, which have details I don't fully remember (o_O).
Of course you get a little bit of insight into my doodles as well, but that is a bonus. They do not actually have to do with how I feel about the course, but rather begin as what can I do with lines in this shape or that.

So I have come to see that I may not be a business person, ever, but I may well benefit in some way from these concepts.

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