Friday 14 February 2014

Ups and Downs

Valentines day. Bah, a commercial day, where many shops make money out of people, and prescribe what is romantic. A day where people value love more highly than on other days. I don't really approve. Not because I'm single and feeling lonely when everyone around me is being all Valentines dayish, but because I don't see the point. The commercialism thing, I hate strongly dislike it. Shops with these garish displays and stuff. They do it for Christmas and Easter, and it irritates me then too. The high emphasis placed on love, well isn't love important everyday? And doesn't Valentines cheapen love, and weaken people's originality when it comes to showing love?

Ah, well. That is just a random piece giving my feelings on the day because I don't think it is possible to blog on Valentines and not mention the day. What this day really comprised of was weirdness, with both good and bad bits in the mix. First off, yesterday I had a day off, so it felt a lot like a Monday today (what a way to start Friday). Then I got some admin sorted out with my varsity access card, great. I'm a registered student, and I now actually have access to computer labs and the library. This is a very good thing. The thing that followed was a bit of a downer though, a very cold NVP lecture. That is really one of the things that stands out. Yes the concepts of the lean start-up are pretty interesting, and I would have thought the most logical business model if you have enough money and enough guts. I don't. I do not have it in me to go up to someone randomly and say, 'hi, can I talk to you for a moment about the idea of product X. What do you think of this and that, what would you really want from such a thing.' I admit this is very necessary in a business that wishes to provide a product, but its not me.

It probably didn't help that we were trying to do market research about an app for junior school kids on a varsity campus. Where anyone with kids is probably actually a lecturer or member of staff, and those are much less common than the students. Also, none of my group had whatever it takes to find some of those people. Maybe we were cowards, but I found us one person to talk to, so at least we did get some feedback. I dunno. I'm all uninspired again, maybe this is to do with the remainder of the day.

Since I'm using logical order, we'll move on to lunch. This was provided by the Maths department, so they could meet the honours students. All six of us. This was awkward, but at least there was free food. That was good. And I did get to know a little bit more about the maths honours class, which is helpful. I then did random stuff most of the afternoon, some admin, and a visit to the library, where they didn't have the books I wanted. I then waited around with a few others for a meeting that had been moved without our knowledge. I'm a bit bummed about that  one actually. It would have been nice if we had been contacted more reliably than through a chat room. An email would have been really nice, but alas it was not to be, and so I waited at varsity, and made my brother wait too, for no reason.

The evening was at least pleasant. Sewing and listening to rock music seems to have helped me to calm down. Maybe I can face tomorrow with a little more positivity and energy. It would be nice if the weather would cool down as well, but that is unlikely.

So, my funky rant about the day is now over. I don't know if it is meaningful for anything except to get it off my chest and to put things into perspective for me. Overall, I don't think the negatives should out way the positives, but the positioning of them made them seem even worse. So on that note, I say to you, may God bless you, and may you have a pleasant weekend, whoever you may be.

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